
Your Voice: Upcoming Anti-Racism, Equity, and Inclusion Engagement

Anti-Racism Engagement – Information for Families Dear Families,

We are writing to you about two upcoming information evenings and a survey you will receive later this month. As the District continues its journey to support an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment for all, we will be reaching out to students, their families, staff and community partners to participate in an Anti-Racism, Equity and Inclusion Survey.

We want to alert you about an upcoming opportunity to learn more about the District’s anti-racism work and survey. There are two virtual information evenings for families:

Students in Grades 6-12 will also have an opportunity to discuss anti-racism work in-class and complete the survey.

Information about why we need your input, how the survey came about, how the information will be used, and what comes next can be found in the attached document.

A direct link to complete the survey will be sent later this month. Racism is a serious problem that cannot be solved with one survey. This is the start of a journey that the Burnaby School District embarks on with sincerity, humility and hope.

Anti-Racism Engagement  – Information for Families