Dear Parent/Guardians:
The playgrounds are slowly re-opening and ours will likely re-open in the next day or so. We wanted to share some of the guidelines from the District around this so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you will be allowing your child to play on the playground structures here at Stoney Creek Community School. I am including a link to the District website where they have posted the latest information on this as well as a poster reminding children and families of the guidelines of using the playground structures. It is important to note that using these structures is done so AT YOUR OWN RISK, as pointed out in the communication from the District. The equipment will not be sanitized and all the current safety protocols need to be in place. Please make sure you are reminding your children of these should you choose to allow them to play on the structures.
Here is the district link:
You can also view the attachment by opening the pdf here.
Wendell Hiltz