
Orange Shirt Day – 30 September 2020

Tomorrow is an incredibly important day in our history and a day that we usually gather as a school community to pay tribute to.  Unfortunately, this year, we are not able to gather as a community to honor the survivors of residential schools in Canada so we are asking that you, as parents, help us share the importance of this very crucial event with your children.

We would love to see as many students as possible come dressed in orange tomorrow to help mark the day.  Teachers have been and will continue to be doing classroom activities to help promote awareness.  I am attaching two clips (and there are MANY more available) that may help with your family discussion on the topic.  Please take some time tomorrow, especially, and for the remainder of the week, to share and have a discussion about this as a family.

Short clip from Phyllis Webstad

Link from 2020…I like this one because it features kids’ voices explaining about residential schools.

The important thing to remember, is that even though we may not be experts in the topic, we are willing to continue the conversation.