
Ministry of Education Annual Satisfaction Survey – Grade 4 & Grade 7 Parents (to April 30)

Each year, the Ministry of Education conducts a survey to gather information and opinions about the school environment, student safety, student achievement and other topics to help schools, Districts and the Ministry to plan and improve educational services.

Students in Grades 4 and 7 will be completing the survey at school in the coming weeks. 

Parents of students in Grades 4 and 7 (along with any other interested parents)  and all staff in B.C. public schools are invited to participate in an annual online satisfaction survey about their school experience.   

It only takes a few minutes to complete the online survey.  We hope that you will take the time to respond to this survey, as we value your input.  Electronic surveying is available until April 30, 2021.

Parents and Guardian Instruction:  Go to Ministry of Education website:  http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/access.htm  OR                                                                           from the Stoney Creek Community School Website select the Links tab, then select Student Learning Survey.

1. Scroll down on the Survey Screen to the Parent section;  2. on the far right under Direct Access – no logon number required, select the District: 41 Burnaby and School: Stoney Creek Community School.  3. click Log on

Thank you for participating in this innovative project.  If you need more information or would like to see the results for the district or your school, consult with the school administrator.