Rapid Antigen Test Kit Pick-up: We have received the Rapid Antigen Test Kits from the Ministry of Education and are ready to distribute them to parents or guardians only.
We will NOT be sending kits home with students. If you wish to have these kits, they must be picked up in person, by the students’ parents or guardians. Unfortunately, we are not able to allow the test kits to be picked up by a friend or neighbour on your behalf. You must pick up for your child only.
Classroom teachers will be distributing the kits to parents and guardians outside at each pick-up and drop-off time on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week (March 7, 8 and 9). As well, Wednesday evening (March 9), kits can be picked up from 5:00 – 6:00 pm from the Community Room door (across from the YMCA daycare).
If you are unable to make any of these times, please contact the school at 604-296-9031 to make other arrangements.
We have received additional information on the Rapid antigen tests that are currently being distributed on behalf of the Ministry of Education:
Please see the link below for the specific letter on the type of test you will receive.
Instructions for use are also available from BCCDC.
COVID-19: Rapid Antigen Test Use for Travel
On February 28, the Federal Government implemented new COVID-19 testing options for travelers entering Canada.
To be accepted as a valid pre-entry test, Rapid antigen tests must be professionally administered or observed by a pharmacy, laboratory, healthcare entity or telehealth service. Un-observed self-administered rapid antigen tests are not accepted. Families are responsible for understanding and adhering to all international travel requirements including COVID-19 travel, testing and borders as outlined by the Government of Canada. You are advised to become familiar with the travel requirements of your destination, including accepted pre-entry tests.
As always, thank you for your support
Mr. W. Hiltz